State Opioid Response (SOR)
The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Office of Behavioral Health Prevention (DBHDD/OBHP) was awarded the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant from September 2018 to September 2020, by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The funds are being used to address the opioid crisis by further increasing access to treatment, reducing unmet treatment needs, and reducing opioid overdose-related deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment, and recovery activities. The SOR initiatives collaborate with a variety of organizations to deliver evidence-based strategies, practices, and programs. Georgia’s eight SOR initiatives include:
- Opioid Prevention Media Campaign
Opioid abuse or misuse can happen to anybody. Often people who may not be looking for opioid abuse prevention information are most at risk for abuse and addiction. This is why SOR is promoting opioid abuse prevention messages on public transportation systems, billboards, movie theaters, online, and mobile apps. Instead of using traditional fear tactics, SOR is taking a positive approach to messaging and focusing on healthy choices people can make to prevent opioid abuse.- State Opioid Response PSA
SOR General PSA
- SOR Good Samaritan Law
SOR Good Samaritan Law PSA
Download Brochure: Opioid Prevention
Download Flyer: Opioid Prevention
Download Poster: Opioid Prevention
- State Opioid Response PSA
- Naloxone Training
Naloxone is a drug that can save lives from overdoses caused by opioids. SOR provides Naloxone training and Naloxone starter kits at no cost to first responders such as police, EMS, and fire throughout Georgia on how to use Naloxone. - Georgia Adopt-A-School
SOR is partnering with several universities to train college students on the value of peer support and its role in substance abuse prevention in school settings. These college students will then adopt a local high school and mentor youth to develop ways to prevent opioid abuse. - Statewide Sources of Strength Initiative
Sources of Strength is a nationally recognized program designed for youth in schools to harness the power of peer support to ultimately prevent suicide, bullying, and substance abuse. SOR is bringing this program to some of the schools in areas where suicide, bullying, and substance abuse is high to improve resiliency and increase protective factors for youth statewide through a statewide rollout of the SOS Evidence-Based Curriculum to 60 schools. - Opioid Prevention Community Showcase Events
As part of the Community showcase events, SOR collaborates with DBHDD service providers, community partners, and local businesses to promote opioid awareness in communities across the state of Georgia. These events strive to raise public awareness about the dangers of opioids, combat the stigma associated with opioids, and provide linkage to resources. Georgia Adopt-A-School Program
SOR is partnering with several universities to train college students on the value of peer support and its role in substance abuse prevention in school settings. These college students will then adopt a local high school and mentor youth to develop ways to prevent opioid abuse. - Law Enforcement Education and Training Partnership
Law enforcement is often first on the scene of an overdose caused by opioids. SOR is working with law enforcement agencies in Georgia to provide education for public safety personnel on how to manage crises involving opioid overdoses, the proper use of naloxone, and how to protect themselves from harmful exposure to dangerous opioids like fentanyl. SOR is also partnering with law enforcement on the development and implementation of training for police on building effective community substance abuse prevention relationships, conflict de-escalation tactics, and the identification of symptoms of opioid use and mental health crises. - Collaborative Efforts with the City of Atlanta
SOR is joining forces with Atlanta city officials to provide Opioid Misuse/Abuse prevention awareness. Atlanta is the largest municipality in the state of Georgia providing many opportunities to further impact individuals facing the opioid epidemic.
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