West Central Georgia Regional Hospital (WCGRH) Columbus, GA
West Central Georgia Regional Hospital (WCGRH) Columbus, GA
West Central Georgia Text Block
Since opening in 1974, West Central Georgia Regional Hospital (WCGRH) has stood as a beacon of hope for consumers in need of behavioral healthcare services in its region. WCGRH provides inpatient services to 71 counties and elsewhere as needed.
WCGRH has inpatient treatment units for Adult Mental Health and Forensic care. The hospital can serve 154 Forensic and 40 Adult Mental Health patients for a total of 194 beds at any point in time. The hospital employs approximately 600 staff members.
WCGRH is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The adult admitting unit is certified for Medicare reimbursements by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS).
WCGRH Mission: Commitment to safe, person-centered, and dignified therapeutic interventions that will guide and encourage Individuals during their recovery.
WCGRH Vision: To be a leader in the innovative and holistic treatment of each Individual served for a life of recovery and independence.
WCGRH Goals:
- To provide a safe environment for our individuals and staff
- To provide active recovery-oriented treatment
- To provide a successful discharge for our individuals
- To maintain or improve the quality of care and services while using fiscal responsibility to maintain a strong financial foundation
WCGRH Services:
Clinical Services
The Recovery Planning Team (RPT) consists of the individual and the core staff members which generally include the psychiatrist, treatment team facilitator, psychologist, social worker, behavioral health counselor, activity therapist, and registered nurse. The RPT Leader is the designated attending member of the medical staff responsible for the patient’s care (team psychiatrist, advanced practice nurse practitioner, or physician assistant). The RPT educates the individual regarding their roles, rights, and responsibilities with regard to the development of their Individualized Recovery Plan (IRP), the need to engage in treatment and rehabilitation, and to work on their discharge goals. Other medical doctors participate in physical examinations and handle minor medical emergencies. Major medical problems are referred to general hospitals.
Psychologists provide a comprehensive range of services in the area of psychological assessment and consultation, education, psychotherapy, and milieu therapy on all units. A variety of intelligence, projective, and personality tests are used. The social workers at the hospital perform an initial social work assessment and social history upon admission. They also coordinate discharge planning, determine unmet needs of patients while hospitalized, and provide therapeutic services to clients and their families.
An initial activity therapy assessment is done on all new clients to set goals and objectives. Active treatment, using recreation, music, and arts and crafts, is used to meet the goals. Activity therapy operates a central recreation/social center.
The nursing staff is the heart of the hospital. The registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and health service aides provide comprehensive psychiatric care on a 24-hour basis in accordance with the physician’s prescribed treatment and with the recognition of the dignity and uniqueness of each client.
Other clinical services include Dental Clinic, Clinical Laboratory, X-Ray, Pharmaceutical Services, and Infection Control.
Support Services
Support services provide a wide range of necessary administrative and clinical services to assist the direct care units in carrying out their missions. Support services include:
- Staff Development and Training
- Environmental Services
- Engineering, Maintenance, and Groundskeeping
- Safety and Environmental Health Services
- Risk Management
- Procurement
- Financial Services
- Medical Records
- Data Management
- Food and Dietetic Services
- Human Resource Management
- Facility Police Department
- Monitoring and Evaluation
Inpatient Adult Mental Health Unit
The Inpatient Adult Mental Health Unit is a 40-bed treatment service that focuses on the assessment, stabilization, and recovery of individuals who require a psychiatric inpatient level of care not provided elsewhere in the community.
Inpatient Forensic Secure Units
WCGRH has four inpatient Secure Care Units with a total of 154 beds serving clients involved with the criminal justice system. The four units are located in Buildings 2, 3, 9, and 10.
Visitation is by appointment only.
Visits must be scheduled 24 hours in advance with the individual’s social worker.
- Monday – Friday, 4 pm – 7 pm.
- Saturday & Sunday, 1 pm – 4 pm (units rotate weekend visitation)