Jail Restoration Center

Located in Eastman, Georgia (Dodge County), this innovative 32-bed 'Restoration to Competency' program for individuals (defendants) found incompetent to stand trial. It provides life-changing care and relieves pressure on local jails and communities statewide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The center offers:

  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Focused on restoring competency, enabling individuals to proceed with their legal cases.
  • Expert Care Teams: Comprising psychiatrists, social workers, advanced practice registered nurses, and other dedicated professionals.
  • Statewide Service: Accepting individuals based on acuity levels determined by DBHDD’s Forensics Division, with participants returning to their county of origin once restored to competency.

The DBHDD Jail Restoration Center is dedicated to delivering compassionate, competency restoration services to inmates deemed Incompetent to Stand Trial.

Our Vision is to become a state-of-the art competency restoration center, enabling defendants to regain competency in the shortest possible time to assist in their own defense. 

Jail Restoration Center provides individualized treatment to help restore individuals to competency, enabling them to proceed with their legal cases. DBHDD’s Forensics Division will determine which individuals can participate in this program based on their acuity level as such that can be served in that environment. The individuals will come from across the state and, once an individual has been restored, they will return to their county of origin and will continue to move through the criminal justice system. 

Address: 181 Industrial Blvd., Eastman, Georgia, 31023

For general inquiries regarding the Jail Restoration Center email: [email protected].

To contact the PREA Coordinator email: [email protected] or by calling (404) 463-6353.

The DBHDD-JRC complies with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).  The DBHDD Jail Restoration Center has zero-tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.  The specific policies governing the DBHDD-JRC may be found in Chapter 7 of DBHDD’s electronic policy management system (PolicyStat).