East Central Regional Hospital (ECRH) Augusta and Gracewood, GA
East Central Regional Hospital (ECRH) Augusta and Gracewood, GA
ECRH Text Block
East Central Regional Hospital (ECRH) has two campuses: Gracewood, established in 1921; and Augusta, established in 1969. On July 1, 2003, these two previously separate facilities officially consolidated and became ECRH. The facilities serve DBHDD’s 33-county East Central Region (Region 2). The 420-acre Gracewood campus provides services for people living with developmental disabilities in both an ICF/IID and a skilled nursing facility setting. The 310-acre Augusta campus provides mental health and forensic services. Each campus includes living areas, activity areas, administrative buildings, and support buildings.
ECRH currently employs approximately 900 staff and is owned and governed by DBHDD, Augusta University, and Agency. It is accredited by The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations under standards for Hospital, Behavioral Health, Laboratory, and Long Term Care.
ECRH Mission: To be a center of excellence in the provision of comprehensive, responsive, and compassionate care for individuals and their families
ECRH Vision: To provide safe, competent, and compassionate services to persons with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities
ECRH Scope Of Services
ECRH offers a wide range of services delivered by dedicated professional staff. Some of these include:
- Psychiatric and Psychological Evaluation
- Inpatient Treatment
- 23-hour Observation and Evaluation
- Integrated Assessments
- Integrated Recovery Plans
- Treatment Malls
- Activity Therapy
- Work Therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Laboratory Services
- Physical Therapy
- Skilled Nursing Services
- Psychiatric Nursing Services
- Behavioral Management
- Pharmacy Services
- Social Work
- Dietary Services
- Transitional Services
- Medication Management
- Forensic Services
- Discharge Planning and Placement
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Education Services
Augusta Campus:
Monday to Friday 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Gracewood Campus: Daily
10:00 am – 4:30 pm. Social Worker can be contacted for exceptions.