Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services Text Block
DBHDD's Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services
The Division of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and provides them with opportunities to live independently and in the most integrated setting possible. To be eligible for services, a person must have an intellectual disability—or a closely related developmental disability, such as severe autism, cerebral palsy, or epilepsy—that substantially impairs intellectual or adaptive functioning. The disability must have originated from birth or during the developmental years (by age 18 for an intellectual disability, or by age 22 for a developmental disability).
The division works with providers, advocates, individuals, and families to provide access to high-quality services in a safe environment. Our service providers must have the capacity to support individuals with complex behavioral or medical needs.
Services are funded via state dollars and two types of Medicaid waivers, New Options Waiver (NOW) and Comprehensive Waiver (COMP). The NOW waiver offers services and supports to individuals to enable them to remain living in their own family home and participate or live independently in the community. The COMP waiver serves individuals with more intensive needs, primarily provides residential care for individuals with I/DD. The waivers provide additional support for people who want to live at home or in other kinds of community living arrangements. All services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are designed to encourage and build on existing social networks and resources; promote integration into the community; and ensure safety.
For help accessing DBHDD services in your area, contact your regional field office.
NOW and COMP Waiver Renewal Virtual Town Hall
This virtual town hall discusses the NOW and COMP Medicaid waivers for IDD individuals.