Forensic Services

Superior/State Courts:

The Office of Forensic Services provides forensic evaluation and treatment for individuals who are under the jurisdiction of the Superior and State Courts of Georgia. Specifically, Forensic Services complete evaluations on the legal issues of competency to stand trial and criminal responsibility (insanity) in response to a court order. DBHDD also provides inpatient restoration and treatment for individuals adjudicated incompetent to stand trial or acquitted not guilty by reason of insanity who meet inpatient criteria as defined by §37-3. In addition, DBHDD provides outpatient competency restoration services and community monitoring of individuals under court jurisdiction per §17-7-130 or §17-7-131.

We respectfully request that all superior and state court orders related to DBHDD Forensic Services (evaluations, competency restoration, treatment, commitment, conditional releases, passes, etc.) and other materials listed above be sent to either of the following:

Fax: (770) 359-5238
Email: [email protected]

When sending a referral for evaluation, please:

  1. Send a signed/dated court order specifying the type of evaluation. Judges are not required to use the court orders below but are welcome to use them.
    Download this doc file. Draft Order 1- Initial Competency to Stand Trial Evaluation
    Download this doc file. Draft Order 2 - Criminal Responsibility or Insanity Evaluation
  2. Compete the Download this doc file. Adult Evaluation and Remediation Referral Form
  3. Please have the defendant initial, sign, print and date a Download this pdf file. Release of Information for every agency involved with the defendant including the jail and mental health agencies.
  4. To expedite evaluation completion, include any and all discovery and records available – criminal history, mental health records including prior evaluations, jail medical/mental health treatment records and any school records.

Questions? (470) 501-6981

Juvenile Courts:

The Office of Forensic Services provides statutorily mandated evaluations as well as community-based competency remediation services to the Juvenile Courts of Georgia. Evaluation types include competency to proceed, behavioral health evaluations (BHEs), as well as jurisdictional transfer evaluations.

As of August 2024, we have a new packet for juvenile referrals. Judges are not required to use the court orders below but are welcome to use them and adapt them as needed. Please contact us if you would like a copy of the orders you can edit. These are “form fill only.”

When sending a referral please:

  1. Send a signed/dated Download this doc file. Behavioral Health and Competency Court Order  or Download this doc file. Competency/Remediation Court Order  for evaluation specifying the type of evaluation or remediation services. Judges are not required to use these court orders but are welcome to use them.
  2. Compete the Download this doc file. Juvenile Referral Form .
  3. For evaluations only - Have the parent initial, sign, print and date a Download this pdf file. Release of Information for every agency involved with the youth – school, mental health etc.
  4. For evaluations only - Ask parents/guardians to complete the Download this doc file. Parent/Guardian Questionnaire before leaving the courthouse and send the completed questionnaire with the referral. 
  5. Include any and all records available - any and all prior incident and investigative reports, complaints, history of school grades, attendance, and disciplinary records, special education records including IEPs and Psychoeducational Evaluations, mental health records including prior evaluations, probation compliance reports, and RYDC disciplinary reports if applicable.

We respectfully request that all juvenile court orders related to DBHDD Forensic Services be sent to either of the following:

Fax: (770) 293-5957
Email: [email protected]

Questions? (770) 343-1829



Forensic Services is experiencing delays in admitting individuals to our hospitals due, in part, to increased demand for inpatient treatment. As of March 1, 2025, our current wait time for admission is approximately 382 days for males and 365 days for females.