Improving Health Outcomes Initiative Collaborative Learning Center

The DBHDD Office of Health & Wellness (OHW) in collaboration with IntellectAbility has developed Health Care Plans (HCPs) that can be generated through the Health Risk Screening Tool system (HRST). These HCPs have been developed based on body systems which include the following:

  • Bowel and Bladder Management Healthcare Plan
  • Cardiovascular System Management Healthcare Plan
  • COVID-19 Healthcare Plan
  • Endocrine System Management Healthcare Plan
  • Gastrointestinal Management Healthcare Plan
  • Mental Health Management Healthcare Plan
  • Musculoskeletal Management Healthcare Plan
  • Neurological Management Healthcare Plan
  • Person Specific Healthcare Plan
  • Preventative and Routine Healthcare Maintenance Healthcare Plan
  • Reproductive System Management Healthcare Plan
  • Respiratory System Management Healthcare Plan
  • Skin Integumentary Management Healthcare Plan

Providers are not required to use these HCPs; however, they include all the essential elements of an HCP identified in the Nursing Services Chapters in the Comprehensive Supports Waiver Program Chapter 1300 – 3600 manual and the New Options Waiver Program manual found on the Georgia Medicaid Management Information System (GAMMIS) website.

Provider RNs can register on the DBHDD Developmental Disabilities Training site for the Provider HRST Healthcare Plan Training here:


When the Provider RN has completed the Provider HRST HCP Training they will then be given access to the HCP Editor Role in the HRST system. Providers can refer to DBHDD Policy Healthcare Plans for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) in Community Settings, 02-266 to identify essential elements of the HCP to be incorporated into their provider HCP documents until HRST training have been completed.

Dangerous Mealtime Practices:

mLevel Training – Bowel Management Policy

DBHDD Office of Health and Wellness would like to highlight the free interactive learning module for providers offered through the DBHDD Learning Portal focusing on the Bowel Management Policy. Please review the attached flyer and consider making this training available to any staff involved in the support of individuals.  The learning objective for the course is to enhance staff skills in recognizing early signs and symptoms of disturbances in bowel function, which can reduce the possibility of constipation that can lead to bowel obstruction or an acute abdomen.

Download this pdf file. Accessing mLevel through the DBHDD Learning Portal

Office of Health and Wellness - 2022 Nursing Education Series