Preparing for Your Interview

We're excited you're interested in joining DBHDD and we look forward to learning more about your background, experience and interests.

During our hiring process we'll be looking to determine whether you have the skills, attributes and motivation to be successful in the job. You want to convince us that you can make a significant contribution and that you can successfully fit into the organization and its culture.

Here are some tips on how to prepare and put your best foot forward:

  • Read more about our agency, our leadership team, the services we provide in Behavioral Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Hospital Services.
  • Create a resume that not only represents all of your education, experience and unique skills that you can bring to our agency, but also helps you stand apart from the competition.
  • Review techniques to answer behavioral interview questions and prepare examples ahead of time to answer questions honestly and professionally. Be specific in your answers to questions and provide context, but do not tell a 10-minute story.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to arrive for the interview. Add an extra 10 to 15 minutes to ensure you arrive early to avoid traffic or other slowdowns. Ensure you also ask about parking availability before the day of your interview.
  • Know the interviewer’s name and his/her correct title. Wear business attire and bring several copies of your resume.
  • Smile, listen and ensure that you are projecting your enthusiasm throughout the interview.
  • Take notes and be sure to ask questions. Remember, it is your time to interview DBHDD as your future employer as well.
  • After the interview, send a thank you note to the interview team to remind them of your qualifications and what you can bring if you are selected for the position.