Behavioral Health Rate Study, 2022-23: Cost Study Information
The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) and the Department of Community Health (DCH) have engaged Deloitte to conduct a rate study of community-based rehabilitation services. The study aims to address the following items:
- Address requirements set forth in Georgia Legislative Act No. 865, House Bill 911 to conduct a behavioral health rate study.
- Meet CMS expectations related to rate study and methodology as defined in the Georgia Department of Community Health American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Initial Spending Plan Conditional Approval Memorandum, General Conditions
- Meet the obligation to the federal Medicaid authority for periodic service cost analysis for rate setting
DBHDD and DCH invite providers and agencies to submit the information requested in a newly developed cost reporting tool. Submissions will be used as part of a rate study for Community Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (CBHRS).
Will the cost report webinar presentation and recording be made available?
Yes, both the cost report webinar presentation and the webinar recording can be accessed here: The webinar can also be accessed on the DBHBB YouTube channel here:
What time periods should providers be including in the cost report?
- Please report state fiscal year (SFY) 2019 and SFY 2022 data. The Georgia state fiscal year runs from July to June.
- If your provider has CBHRS fee-for-service (FFS) revenue for only one year, then you may report a single year. If your provider has CBHRS FFS revenue for only a partial year (e.g., 6 months), then please only report the partial year.
- Please indicate the reporting period where prompted on the “Cover Page” tab.
What is the scope of the reporting in the cost report? Which payers/book of business should providers be reporting?
The scope of the cost report is limited to Medicaid fee-for-service CBHRS services. Unless otherwise instructed on a specific line in the cost report, please do not include CBHRS managed care (e.g., CMO), other Medicaid (e.g., non-CBHRS Medicaid services), or other payers (e.g., Medicare, VA) data.
How do we report staff who fall into multiple staffing categories? For example, how do we report Paraprofessional staff who are also Certified Addiction Counselors?
If a staff member functions in two (2) roles providing different services (i.e., signing differently), you can allocate that staff member’s total hours to two different staffing categories. For example, if a staff member spent 80% of their workday in the Paraprofessional role and 20% of their workday in the Certified Addiction Counselor, their hours would split 80/20.
Can you provide more detail on how non-billable hours are being defined in the cost report?
Please reference the DBHDD Community Behavioral Health Provider Manual ( for definitions of non-billable activities (page 411).
Non-billable activities include, but are not limited to, those activities or administrative work that are related to a CBHRS service yet do not fall within the Service Definition. For example, confirming appointments, observation/monitoring, tutoring, transportation, completing paperwork, communication/coordination between practitioners employed by the same agency, and other administrative duties not explicitly allowed within the Service Guidelines are non-billable activities.
For the “Staffing Patterns” tab, are providers supposed to be reporting staff for the entire provider agency, or only staff funded by CBHRS?
Please include only staff that are partially or fully funded by CHBRS. If the staff is partially funded by CBHRS, the provider would then need to determine the amount of time in a week they spend on CBHRS services. For example, if a psychiatrist spends 25% of their working week on CBHRS services and the remaining 75% of their working week is related to Medicare billing, then they would be entered as a 0.25 FTE (i.e., 25/75).
In the “Expenditures” tab, should salary costs for supervisors who also provide direct care services be split between direct care/administrative costs, or just be reported as 100% administrative costs?
Administrative supervisors that also provide direct care can have their costs allocated between the direct care cost section and the indirect care (i.e., administrative) cost section. For example, if a supervisor spends 50% of their time providing direct care services and 50% of their time in an administrative support staff role, they may split their costs between these two lines.
Can we include costs for preparing for audits, accreditation, etc.? A lot of time is devoted in these areas.
Yes, these costs are incurred by the agency for delivery of CBHRS services, so may be reported. Any administrative costs that are not included in the cost report as a discrete line item may be included in the “Other Indirect Care Costs” line, with a description of what the costs include in the “Other Indirect Care – Qualitative Response” line (e.g., “audit preparation and accreditation preparation”).
On the “Staffing Patterns” tab, do you want us to report a portion of FTE for those staff working full time, but less than 40 hours per week?
A full FTE (i.e., 1.0 FTE) in the “Staffing Patterns” tab should represent a 40-hour work week. If the provider has staff that works more than 40 hours per week on average, then the reported FTE would be higher than 1.0 (e.g., staff that works on average 45 hours a week would be reported as FTE 1.125 FTE (45 hours / 40 hours)). If the provider has staff that works less than 40 hours per week on average, then the reported FTE would be less than 1.0. In the scenario described in the question, the provider would report the staff as 0.9 FTE (i.e., 36 hours / 40 hours).
What is the purpose of the cost reporting tool?
The tool is designed to collect and analyze the reasonable and necessary costs of providing CBHRS.
Your participation is crucial to forming a basis for potential rate changes, if deemed applicable, through the rate study.
This effort is part of an ongoing rate methodology study, to assess the potential need for changes in the current payment methodology for CBHRS services.
What type data will be collected in the cost reporting tool?
Overall, the tool is designed to collect and analyze the reasonable and necessary costs of providing CBHRS services via fee-for-service Medicaid, including:
- Wages
- Revenue/units
- Practitioner hours
- Direct and indirect costs
- Staffing information
- Individuals-to-staff ratios (group services only)
How do I complete the cost reporting tool?
The tool contains detailed instructions for self-guided completion on the Instructions tab. Further details will be provided during the webinar session and will be available in the recorded webinar.
Where do I find the cost reporting tool?
Cost Reporting Survey Tool is now available for download.
How do I submit the completed cost reporting tool on or before January 20th, 2023?
Please email an attached copy to [email protected] by January 20th, 2023.
My questions have not been answered. How can I learn more?
Time will be allotted for Q&A during the webinar.
- For webinar or cost reporting tool technical assistance, contact Deloitte’s cost reporting tool team at [email protected].
For all other inquiries, contact Erika Stinson at [email protected].
In the “Hrs Alloc” tabs, how do we allocate hours for combinations of service/practitioner level and staffing role that are blacked out, but we still have on staff?
In instances where hours should be allocated in cells that are blacked out on the “Hrs Alloc” worksheets, please provide the in clinic, out of clinic, and telehealth hours in the comment box at the bottom of the worksheet. Please indicate which survey question(s) and service(s) the text response is referring to.
There is no CAC level 4 option on the tool. How would we handle staff who fall in that category?
Please include all the relevant information for the CAC level 4 in the “Comments” section of each relevant tab. Please use this approach for any other missing items you may come across in the tool, but please also continue to email Erika Stinson and Deloitte so that we are aware.
Rate Study Documents:
Stakeholder Cost Report Webinar
Rate Study Provider Kick-Off
BH Rate Study Stakeholder Meeting - Deloitte
Cost Reporting Survey Tool
Georgia Community Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (CBHRS) Rate Methodology Report
CBHRS Rate Study Provider Engagement Session, May 25, 2023, Presentation
Cost Report Summary for CBHRS
- Georgia Behavioral Health Rate Study - Rate Methodology Meeting video