Reducing the Risk: 13 Reasons Why

The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health of Developmental Disabilities Office of Behavioral Health Prevention is aware that the second season “13 Reasons Why” television series will become available on Netflix May 18, 2018. Following the first season of this series, our experts fielded questions about the content of the show and available resources for individuals in need of services. If parents permit or young people elect to watch this series, we encourage them to do so with an adult and utilize our “Spot the Signs, Talk About It, and Get Help” tool. This may be an opportune time for staff, parents, and any suicide prevention stakeholders to promote discussions on the topic and provide resources for identifying warning signs, guidelines for talking about it, and avenues for getting help. Individuals in need of services should contact GCAL at 1-800-715-4225 or to obtain access to care.

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