Policy Unwinding Related to the End of the COVID-19 Pubic Health Emergency (formerly: “Coronavirus: COVID-19 Information”)
Public Health Emergency Update
February 1, 2023 -- This week, multiple news outlets are reporting the National Public Health Emergency (PHE) is anticipated to end on May 11, 2023. This announcement aligns with the administration’s previous commitments to give at least 60 days’ notice prior to the termination of the PHE.
The Federal Office of Management and Budget has stated, “The COVID-19 national emergency and public health emergency (PHE) were declared by the Trump Administration in 2020. They are currently set to expire on March 1 and April 11, respectively. At present, the Administration’s plan is to extend the emergency declarations to May 11, and then end both emergencies on that date”.
Please note that the Appendix K allowances are aligned with the PHE and based on the current information noted above will expire on May 11, 2023. Importantly, the flexibilities and enhancements which are supported by the Appendix K for the NOW and COMP Medicaid Waiver programs will remain in effect for up to 6 months after the end of PHE.
For both Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities services, DBHDD has been working in anticipation to support the unwinding of the PHE. Please be assured we will continue to collaborate with our state and federal partners to support the provider network and ultimately the people we all serve.
We will continue to share additional information as it is available.
- Appendix K for Participant Directed Services - FAQ
- Appendix K for Participant Directed Services - Guidance
- Appendix K for Participant Directed Services - Guidance (8-6-2020)
- Appendix K for the NOW and COMP Waiver Programs
- Appendix K for Support Coordination
- Appendix K for Participant Directed Services - Family Hire
- Updated COVID-19 IDD Provider Information Presentations - 5/21/2020
- Participant Directed Webinar Appendix K and Reopening Updates IDD
- COVID-19 Appendix K Amendment: Retainer Payment Reimbursement Changes
- Participant Directed Family Hire Ending for Appendix K
- Appendix K Amendment and Reopening Guidance for Participant-Direction (video)
- DD Provider Network - Appendix K and Provider Reopening Guidance (video)
- Improving Health Outcomes Initiative Learning Center
- The Improving Health Outcomes Initiative is dedicated to improving the physical, mental, and personal outcomes of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who care for and provide services and support to them. A part of the Improving Health Outcomes Initiative includes the Collaborative Learning Center which houses information about critical health issues that affect the people we serve.
IDD Covid-19 Vaccine Update – March 19, 2021
Webinar / Presentation -
Appendix K Extention Provider Meeting - April 6, 2021
Webinar / Presentation -
DD NOW/COMP Waiver Webinar (PD Appendix K Update) – April 6, 2021
Webinar / Presentation -
Statewide Family Support Services (FSS) Provider Meeting
Webinar / Presentation - COVID-19 Fact Sheet
- Social Story (Home)
- Social Story (Stay Healthy)
- Face Masks Fact Sheet