Update on the State Transition Plan for the NOW/COMP Medicaid Waiver Programs
Waiver Rules from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Georgia’s Transition Plan
The following summary was provided by Marcey Dolgoff Alter, Georgia Department of Community Health's deputy director of the Division of Medicaid/Aging and Special Populations.
At the DCH Board Meeting on August 14, the initial notice of waiver amendments (resubmitted) were approved for initial adoption. These waiver amendments require submission of the state’s Transition Plan to comply with new HCBS Community Setting Rules and the Public Notices reference this. The primary purpose of the waiver amendment notices adopted by the Board is to modify the waiver services to add slots, modify or add services, and increase rates as appropriate to each waiver. A separate set of notices were published specific to the HCBS Setting Transition Plan. All notices may be found on the DCH website at www.dch.georgia.gov/waivers or /public notices.
The public comment period for the waiver amendments ends on September 2, 2014. Written comments to the Board of Community Health may be submitted to Post Office Box 1966, Atlanta, Georgia 30301.
Please note the following opportunity to make public comment in response to the HCBS Transition Plan public notices:
- August 27th, 10:30 a.m., 5th Floor Board Room, 2 Peachtree St, N.W., Atlanta Georgia 30303 - DCH will hear comment back-to-back on the HCBS Transition Planning process.
- If preferred, written comments may also be submitted in response to the HCBS Transition Plan on or by September 8, 2014, to the Department of Community Health, Attn: HCBS Transition – 36th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 or by fax to 404-651-6880.
Over the next 120 days the State will complete a Statewide Comprehensive Transition Plan. This will require taking the original Transition Plan we just submitted (with any changes required by CMS) and adding work plan detail about the “how” and “who” and other elements that will be required to direct plan implementation. DCH will be looking to you to participate in recurring workgroup meetings to achieve this detailed fleshing out of the Comprehensive Statewide Transition Plan.