Georgia Regional Hospital-Atlanta (GRHA) Atlanta, GA
Georgia Regional Hospital-Atlanta (GRHA) Atlanta, GA
GRHA Text Block
GRHA is located on 174 acres in DeKalb County and operates 334 licensed, accredited inpatient beds for three major program areas: 1) Adult Mental Health, 2) Forensic Services, and 3) Developmental Disabilities / Skilled Nursing. GRHA offers adult mental health services, forensic program services, and rehabilitative services to residents of the following counties:
Adult Mental Health Services: DeKalb, Fulton, Clayton, Gwinnett, Newton, and Rockdale Counties
Developmental Disabilities/Skilled Nursing Services: DeKalb, Fulton, Clayton, Gwinnett, Newton, Rockdale, Cobb, Douglas, Fayette, Cherokee, and Henry Counties **(No longer admitting)
Forensic Services: Clayton, Cobb, Dawson, DeKalb, Douglas, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Newton, and Rockdale Counties
GRHA collaborates with the Region 3 Field Office and community providers in extending an effective continuum of care to persons living in these service areas. Together, we seek to ensure continuity of services, thereby helping those hospitalized to retain the gains they achieve while at GRHA. GRHA serves a large number of indigent and homeless individuals. No one is refused admission to the hospital because of an inability to pay for services. Once individuals are discharged, the hospital bills them according to their ability to pay for services received.
GRHA is accredited by The Joint Commission and certified by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Our hospital places a strong emphasis on the culture of the people we serve and endorses DBHDD’s values, mission and vision.
GRHA Values:
- Mental health care provided at our hospital sets the standard and defines the state-of-the-art.
- Security and treatment are integrated to ensure a supportive, therapeutic, and violence-free environment.
- Conflict is resolved in an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity.
- Educational efforts contribute to diminishing the stigma and discrimination directed toward persons living with mental illness.
- Daily operational processes are shaped and guided by our performance-improvement system.
- Our employees and community mental health providers work together with the individuals we serve and their family members.
- Our success is measured by the number of individuals who are safely and successfully integrated back into their communities.
GRHA Programs:
Adult Mental Health Program
The Adult Mental Health (AMH) Program includes three inpatient units (East, West, and Central) totaling 114 beds. Each unit serves adults, 18 and over, who have a variety of psychiatric diagnoses. Individuals may be experiencing psychiatric crisis due to new or recurring mental illness, non-compliance with medications, use of intoxicants, psychosocial stressors, or a combination of these factors. The mission of the AMH Program is to stabilize and improve the functioning of persons with severe mental illness and behavioral health challenges.
Forensic Services Program
The Forensic Services Program includes three medium-secure inpatient units (Secure 1, Secure 2, and Secure 3) totaling 124 beds. Each unit serves adults, 18 and over, with a variety of psychiatric diagnoses and who have been deemed Incompetent to Stand Trial or Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity by the court system. Most persons admitted as Incompetent to Stand Trial are returned to the referring court upon discharge to address their criminal charges. Those who are civilly committed work on developing the skills necessary for a court-approved conditional release or full release into the community.
Developmental Disabilities Program
The Developmental Disabilities Program includes one Skilled Nursing Unit (SNF), which has a current census of 29. Individuals on this unit are profound- to severely-developmentally disabled and have medical needs that require a skilled nursing level of care. The unit serves both males and females of any age.
GRHA Services:
Admission Services
Admission Services provides assessment and intervention for individuals referred for further voluntary or involuntary inpatient hospitalization and adult mental health or forensic services.
Temporary Observation Services
The Temporary Observation Area is a component of Admission Services. This is a new and innovative approach to assessment of adult individuals referred to our hospital’s Admission Services. It offers evaluation, extended observation, and acute intervention under medical supervision to individuals in crisis and exhibiting acute psychiatric symptoms. These services are intended to provide a brief period of time beyond the initial psychiatric evaluation to further determine an individual’s optimal level of care.
Dental Services
GRHA’s Dental Clinic provides inpatient and outpatient Dental Services. Our outpatient services are offered to developmentally-disabled persons from eight metro Atlanta counties.
Treatment Programs
Each Program operates under the administrative leadership of expert clinical staff and supported by at least one physician, registered and licensed practical nurses, social workers, psychologists, and direct care team members. Staff also facilitate therapeutic activities in our Psychosocial Rehabilitation Treatment Malls and Recreational Center as well as enriching, on- and off-campus opportunities. Furthermore, individuals are offered tailored LEPSI services for limited English proficiency and/or sensory impairment. While at GRHA, individuals work closely with the hospital’s Recovery Planning Teams and outside providers alike to develop clinically-appropriate discharge plans, ensure continuity of care, and achieve an independent level of functioning when integrated into the community.
Key Staff
Regional Hospital Administrator:
Dr. Charles Li
Patient Advocate:
Jennifer Dobbs
[email protected]
Visitation Hours: Adult Mental Health
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Daily)
Visitation Hours: Forensic Services
4:30 pm – 8:30 pm (Monday through Friday)
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (weekends and holidays)
GRHA Ethics Committee
Comments, questions, or suggestions
Please provide us with feedback by sending your compliments and/or concerns to the attention of our Patient Advocate, Ms. Jennifer Dobbs,
[email protected],
GRHA also provides the services of a Human Rights & Ethics Committee, to ensure that our individuals’ rights are respected and upheld throughout the duration of their hospitalization. Our individuals, their families, and outside agencies may contact our Patient Advocate or representative(s) of our Human Rights & Ethics Committee at 404.243.2300. Other resources for resolving individual and family concerns include:
- The Region 3 Field Office: 404.244.5050
- DBHDD Constituent Services: 404.657.5964
- The State Office of Regulatory Services: 404. 657.5726 or 404.657.5728 • The Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring: 800.994.6610 or [email protected]