Volunteer Opportunities

The Department of Resources Services has continued to effectively serve Central State Hospital through the volunteer program, projects, and donations for our clients’ comfort and pleasure. The variety and diversity of the individuals, groups and organizations provide an ongoing growth of services.


To help supplement and complement the hospital's state-funded resources and services through the involvement of individuals, groups and organizations from the community (volunteers, donations, special events, etc.).

Department Objectives

  • Supplement the services of hospital staff.
  • Provide a supplemental source of clothing for clients.
  • Identify hospital needs, services and projects that are appropriate for volunteers and community involvement.
  • Guide interested community organizations/individuals in the selection of worthwhile hospital projects.
  • Provide hospital clients with community contacts.
  • Aid in educating the public about mental health, developmental disabilities, Central State Hospital and opportunities for volunteers at the hospital.

Volunteer Opportunities

A wide variety and diversity of individuals, groups and organizations from the community volunteer time and service to Central State Hospital which enhances the quality of life for our clients and enriches those who volunteer.  If you, your group or organization is interested in becoming a hospital volunteer or sponsoring a special event/project, contact the Resources Services Department at the telephone numbers listed below under "Contact Information."

Areas Currently in Need of Volunteers Include:

  • Clerical - hospital-wide
  • Food Service - hospital-wide
  • Housekeeping - hospital-wide
  • Engineering - warehouse
  • Garden Therapy - hospital-wide
  • Companions to visit with clients, including letter writing and reading to clients
  • Groups to sponsor unit/ward parties

Donations - CSH Apparel Mart

Articles of clothing and accessories donated to the hospital are kept in the Central State Hospital Apparel Mart and are used as a supplemental source for clients' clothing.  All items are issued to clients free of charge. 

Procedure for Donating Clothing and Accessories:

  • Deliver the items to be donated to EWAC.
  • Bring an itemized list of the donations and estimated value if needed for tax purposes.
  • Resources Services staff will provide a letter acknowledging the donations.

NOTE:  The Apparel Mart is open Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), 8 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Items Currently Needed in the Apparel Shop Include:

  • New underwear for men and women
  • Winter coats
  • Ladies' XL clothing
  • Men's small clothing and XL clothing

Process used to issue clothing to clients:

  • Complete an Apparel Mart Issue Form # 427 which must include the Service Director’s signature.

Contact Information

Resource Services
478-445-2509 or 478-445-4194