Developmental Disabilities

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The NOW waiver currently serves nearly 4,000 Georgians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. At the heart of the renewal request is Georgia’s desire to strengthen the provider network and support the delivery of high-quality and accountable care to vulnerable citizens.
Training for service providers, advocates and family members will be offered in five locations around the state of Georgia. Click here to view the DBHDD Press Release regarding the Medicaid waiver renewal approved for Georgians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Mortality Reports
These annual reports on mortality, mortality trends, and related information pertaining to the health and care received by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities served by DBHDD. The report focuses on an analysis of mortality data and findings from DBHDD’s mortality review process.

Autism Services Initiative for Adults
DBHDD and the Emory Autism Center are partnering to improve Georgia’s community-based infrastructure for adults with autism spectrum disorder.

Learn more about the Residential and Respite Cost Study

  • Community Residential Alternatives
  • ​Community Living Supports
  • Respite Services​ 

As DBHDD continues to shift from an institutional-based model of health care delivery to a community-based system of care, individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) will have the opportunity to live independently and in the least restrictive setting possible.

A developmental disability is a chronic condition that develops before a person reaches age 22 and limits his/her ability to function mentally and/or physically. DBHDD provides services to people with intellectual and other disabilities, such as cerebral palsy and autism, who require services similar to those needed by people with an intellectual disability.

State-supported services help families continue to care for a relative when possible. DBHDD also provides home settings and care to individuals who do not live with their families.

All services are designed to encourage and build on existing social networks and natural sources of support, and to promote inclusion in the community and safety in the home environment. Contracted providers are required to have the capacity to support individuals with complex behavioral and or medical needs.

The services a person receives depends on a professional determination of level of need and the services and other community resources available. Click here for a list of services and their definitions.

Please contact your Regional Office if you have any questions or concerns.