Available Services
The services a person receives depends on a professional determination of level of need and the services and other community resources available. Services may include:
- Adult Occupational Therapy – these services address the occupational therapy needs of the adult participant that result from his or her developmental disabilities.
- Adult Physical Therapy – these services address the physical therapy needs of the adult participant that result from his or her developmental disabilities.
- Adult Speech and Language Therapy – these services address the speech and language therapy needs of the adult participant that result from his or her developmental disabilities.
- Behavioral Supports Consultation – these services are the professional level services that assist the participant with significant, intensive challenging behaviors that interfere with activities of daily living, social interaction, work or similar situations.
- Community Access – these services are designed to assist the participant in acquiring, retaining, or improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills required for active participation and independent functioning outside the participant’s home or family home.
- Community Guide – these services are only for participants who opt for participant direction and assist these participants with defining and directing their own services and supports and meeting the responsibilities of participant direction.
- Community Living Support – these services are individually tailored supports that assist with the acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to a participant’s continued residence in his or her family home.
- Community Residential Alternative – these services are targeted for people who require intense levels of residential support in small group settings of four or less or in host home/life sharing arrangements and include a range of interventions with a particular focus on training and support in one or more of the following areas: eating and drinking, toileting, personal grooming and health care, dressing, communication, interpersonal relationships, mobility, home management, and use of leisure time.
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptation – these services consist of physical adaptations to the participant’s of family’s home which are necessary to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the individual, or which enable the individual to function with greater independence in the home.
- Financial Support Services – these services are provided to assure that participant directed funds outlined in the Individual Service Plan are managed and distributed as intended.
- Individual Directed Goods and Services – these services are not otherwise provided through the NOW or Medicaid State Plan but are services, equipment or supplies identified by the participant who opts for participant direction and his or her Support Coordinator or interdisciplinary team.
- Natural Support Training – these services provide training and education to individuals who provide unpaid support, training, companionship or supervision to participants.
- Prevocational Services – these services prepare a participant for paid or unpaid employment and include teaching such concepts as compliance, attendance, task completion, problem solving and safety.
- Respite – these services provide brief periods of support or relief for caregivers or individuals with disabilities and include maintenance respite for planned or scheduled relief or emergency/crisis respite for a brief period of support for a participant experiencing a crisis (usually behavioral) or due to a family emergency.
- Specialized Medical Equipment – this equipment consists of devices, controls or appliances specified in the Individual Service plan, which enable participants to increase their abilities to perform activities of daily living and to interact more independently with their environment.
- Specialized Medical Supplies – these supplies consist of food supplements, special clothing, diapers, bed wetting protective chunks, and other authorized supplies that are specified in the Individual Service Plan.
- Support Coordination – these services are a set of interrelated activities for identifying, coordinating, and reviewing the delivery of appropriate services with the objective of protecting the health and safety of participants while ensuring access to needed waiver and other services.
- Supported Employment – these services are only supports that enable participants, for who competitive employment at or above the minimum wage, is unlikely absent the provision of supports, and who, because of their disabilities, need supports to work in a regular work setting.
- Transportation – these services enable participants to gain access to waiver and other community services, activities, resources, and organizations typically utilized by the general population but do not include transportation available through Medicaid non-emergency transportation or as an element of another waiver service; and
- Vehicle Adaptation – these services include adaptations to the participant’s or family’s vehicle approved in the Individual Service Plan, such as a hydraulic lift, ramps, special seats and other modifications to allow for access into and out of the vehicle as well as safety while moving.